Courtesy, Etiquette & Manners

The standards of behaviour of the Upper classes is called Courtesy.

The Aristocracy behave as they wish and they see fit. They conform or humble themselves only to their Sovereign, which they see as being courteous or acting as they would in a Royal Court.

The standards of behaviour of the Middle Classes is called Etiquette.

Etiquette is the standard of behaviour that people who wish to better themselves choose to aspire to.

Etiquette is how the middle classes believe that the upper clases behave and thus aspire to emulate them.

The standards of behaviour of the Lower Classes is called Manners.

Manners are the manner in which the majority of working class people approve of other working class people behaving.

Lower Class people see working class people as having impeccable manners. Upper class people see the manner of working class people as disgusting.

Standards of Behaviour are the standards of behaviour that we find tolerable and wish others to adopt, irrespective of whether we call them manners, etiquette or courtesy.

All people who tolerate others are standardised by their class.

When I become ‘Accepting’ of all others, I allow all others to follow their own standards of behaviour, knowing that it is their behaviour and their standard and not mine.

With unconditional ‘Acceptance’ of all others, boundaries are no longer necessary.

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