Cosmic Time

Cosmic Time is the speed of the galaxy through space.

The spin of the galaxy determines its frequency & time.

The orbit of the galaxy determines its wavelength & space.

Spin & orbit determine the reality of the galaxy’s vibration or rotation.

Cosmic time is relative to the speed of light in space.

Space-time is illuminated or realised as the reality of Light.

The Speed of the reality of Earth is 186,000 miles per second.

The Distance of the reality of Earth is measured in light-years.

The Time of the reality of Earth is measured as the distance it has travelled at the speed of its spin, orbit & rotation as it revolves around the galactic centre of the Milky Way.

The Earth’s revolution of the Galaxy is measured in Cosmic Time as an Age.

In Cosmic Time, we are presently entering the Age of Aquarius.

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