Corporate & Sovereign Entities

A Sovereign Entity is one that has sovereignty over its own choice. Historically, when Sovereigns ruled over their people, only a King or a Queen was the sovereign entity. In modern times, Governments have superseded the sovereignty of monarchs. The term sovereign entity has been passed to a country, not its Parliament. Sovereignty has become misplaced with the abolition of a ruling monarchy because a country does not have sovereign choice and its government is not a sovereign entity.

  • A Sovereign Entity has freedom of choice
  • A Corporate Entity disallows sovereign choice

Companies make corporate choices on behalf of their owners, not sovereign choices on behalf of their Self.

  • A Corporate Entity imposes & rigidly enforces its standards, boundaries & ethos onto all of its employees, including its Directors, as part of their contract of employment
  • A Sovereign Entity is free to choose their own standards, boundaries and beliefs, as there is no rigidly enforced Soul Contract

Corporate Sovereignty is an oxymoron. Personal Sovereignty is an anathema to a corporate entity.

When Governments are ‘owned’ by Corporate Entities, freedoms of sovereign choice are not part of their agenda. Personal Sovereign Choice has never been part of a democratic political system.

Freedom of Speech, often confused with freedom of sovereign choice, is solely reserved for main stream corporate media companies. The personal views of Individuals are censored when out of alignment with a corporate sponsored government agenda.

  • Corporate Directors follow the direction of their corporate ethos (they toe the official line)
  • Sovereign Individuals follow the direction of their personal logos (they walk their own talk)

Corporate Directors follow the direction of their corporate owners. They do not decide policy and direction, they implement it.

Corporate Employees are used to carry out the policy of the company. They follow the direction of their Corporate Directors, whom they falsely believe to be the leaders of their company. When an employee defers to their employer’s corporate authority, they abdicate their own sovereign choice and please the greed of the entity, which employs them.

It is generally corporate policy to purchase profitable small businesses and merge or indoctrinate them into their corporate policy & ethos. It is also corporate policy to allow unprofitable business competition to be bankrupted by the corporate banking system. It is generally recognised that the purpose of small business entrepreneurs is to provide the initiative and innovation abundant in start-up businesses, which is totally absent within a rigid corporate procedural operating system. In this way small business enterprises are never in competition with the policy of large corporate entities.

Signing a Contract of Employment with a Corporate Entity ensures that Personal Sovereignty is immediately lost.

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