Core Beliefs & Personal Standards

Behaviour is driven by personal beliefs in alignment with personal standards. My personal standards are what I believe determine my good behaviour. My Core Beliefs determine my essential standards of personal behaviour.

Because Life Just Is, I forgive those who trespass against me. I know that all life is fore given and my standard is Forgiveness. Judgment, pride, hubris, humility & modesty all sponsor unacceptable sub-standard behaviour.

Because We All Have Choice, I make my own choices. I am truly selfish and confident in the choices that I make, which are never detrimental to another. I am certain that Confidence is my standard. Envy, covetousness, jealousy, kindness, nicety & nastiness all sponsor unacceptable sub-standard behaviour.

Because There Is Enough, I serve others as I choose others to serve me. I allow providence to provide and abundance to flow expansively with appreciation to my Self and all others, as Expansive Sharing is my standard. Gluttony, avarice, extravagance, poverty, misery & scarcity all sponsor unacceptable sub-standard behaviour.

Because Love Is The Way, I approve of the behaviour of all people who I come into personal contact with. Approving of my own self-worth acknowledges my personal standard of Approval. Lust, need, yearning, hate, loathing & dislike all sponsor unacceptable sub-standard behaviour.

Because We Are All Equal, I relate to all others with equality as I equally relate to my Self. My personal standard is Equanimity. Prejudice, greed, bigotry, intolerance, pleasing & appeasing all sponsor unacceptable sub-standard behaviour.

Because I Allow All Others To Follow Their Own Path, I am accepting of the behaviour & standards of all others. I accept that all others follow their own beliefs & standards, which are not necessarily mine. My personal standard is Acceptance. Anger, wrath, arrogance, assertiveness, meekness, patience, humbleness & servility all sponsor unacceptable sub-standard behaviour.

Because I Follow My Own Path, I do so with effortless ease. On my own path there is no dis-ease as my standard is Effortless Flow. Sloth, laziness, inaction, due diligence, loyalty & duty all sponsor unacceptable sub-standard behaviour.

My Golden Rule is to Be Unto Others as I would have Others Be Unto Me. Overcoming the duality of my male sins & female virtues, I experience the neutrality, balance, harmony & wholeness of my own ideal & divine life.

Forgiveness, Confidence, Expansive Sharing, Approval, Equanimity, Acceptance & Effortless Flow are my Seven Core Essential Personal Standards. They are the Essence of my True Self.

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