Core Beliefs & Attainments

My Core Beliefs allow my Core Attainments.

A limiting belief will disallow my attainment of a quality attribute.

The belief that Life Just Is allows my attainment of Acceptance, allows my acceptance of my attainments & attains the acceptance of my allowance.

The belief that We All Have Choice allows my attainment of Choice. I can choose to be at choice and I can choose to be whoever I choose to be, whatever I choose to believe & whatever I choose to attain in relationship to whatever is presently occurring in my life.

The belief that There Is Enough allows my attainment of Abundance, allows my abundant attainments & attains my abundant allowance.

The belief that Love Is The Way allows my attainment of an Ideal Life. In my ideal life love is the way, the ideal way of life is love & I love the way my life is ideal.

My Core Attainments allow me to look at life from all directions with the same perspective & belief.

I accept my choice of an abundant & ideal life.

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