Control Dramas

Control Dramas are how we compete for emotional energy.

The actively extrovert control drama is that of the Intimidator or bully.

I bully & intimidate another to control & steal their emotional energy.

An Intimidator causes a Poor Me.

The Poor Me is the actively introvert victim who regains their emotional energy through sympathy.

The passively extrovert control drama is that of the Interrogator.

The interrogator or critic, criticises, complains & condemns to control & gain energy from their victim.

The victim of an Interrogator becomes an Aloof.

The Aloof is passively introvert and retires to their metaphorical cave to replenish their emotional energy.

Our sub-conscious control dramas are learned at an early age and continue to be the cause of many of the dramas throughout our life.

An awareness of our own control dramas is the first step to overcoming them.

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