
Consideration is my process of deciding what I want.

What I want is what I consider to be good for me.

When something is apparently not good for me, I no longer consider it an option.

When I have given all of my options due consideration, I am able to make my choice and decide what I want for me.

When my consideration is based on my judgment of past experiences or on my future expectations, I may be considerably disappointed.

What I want for me is what my Soul wants for my Self.

What my Soul wants for my Self is already present in my reality even though I may not yet have consciously chosen it.

When consideration is the process of deciding what I want, it is my ego self that is in judgment and expectation.

When Acceptance, Gratitude and Appreciation are my process for deciding what I want more of, then my abundance becomes considerable.

My Soul always gives due consideration to what it wants and needs for my Self.

My Soul is never inconsiderate to others.

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