
Consciousness is the originator of thought.

Super-consciousness is the creator, the cause & the transmitter of thought.

Physical consciousness is the experiencer of thought & the receiver of the physical effect of conscious thought.

Sub-consciousness is the processor of whatever physical consciousness is receiving.

It is usual in modern society for the sub-conscious mind to become disconnected from its super-conscious mind by the age of 5 years old.

Many Seers, Sensitives & Gnostics remain connected to their super-conscious source of origin throughout their life-time.

Whether an individual sub-conscious is disconnected or remains connected to its source and to what degree is always the choice of the super-conscious Soul.

Physical Consciousness is aware of only what the sub-conscious mind allows.

It is mostly normal to be completely unaware of one’s super-conscious higher capacity, one’s unconscious competencies and one’s intuitive capabilities.

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