Conscious Creation

Consciousness is Creative.

Consciousness Creates Reality.

Whatever reality I am conscious of is the creation of my Consciousness.

My physical health is the product of my genes.

My genes are the blue-print for my health.

My blue-print is the sum total of my mental programmes.

My programmes are my beliefs about my reality.

My beliefs about reality determine my level of consciousness.

My level of consciousness determines my reality.

Whatever I believe to be real is delivered as my experience of reality.

This is the Law of Attraction – Like energy is drawn unto itself.

To change my reality, I change my belief about reality.

When I change my belief, I reprogram my genes.

My genes are programmed by my environment.

My environment is created by my beliefs and my programmes.

My beliefs and programmes determine my Health & Wellbeing.

Limiting beliefs create a limited experience of life.

Conscious Creation requires Consciousness & Creativity.

Would I consciously create a limited experience of life?

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