Conscious Creation

Consciously Creating our own Reality requires an understanding of the Law of Attraction:

“Like Energy is drawn unto itself”.

The Law of Attraction is our Spiritual Nature, not a physical law.

Physical Science (Physics) is the study of physical matter and how it behaves in a physical world.

All matter is created out of Energy by thought.

The ‘Energy of Thought’ is Spiritual, not physical.

Thoughts are a creation of Consciousness and act according to the nature of spirit/energy. They do not obey physical laws.

Our Reality is a conscious creation of our thoughts, but not just our conscious thoughts.

Our thoughts originate from both our sub-conscious ‘id’ and our Super-Conscious ‘Entity’.

Consciously creating our Reality requires an awareness of both our sub-conscious programming and the Super-Conscious Vision for our Life.

Before we can connect to our Super-Conscious Ability to consciously create our own Reality, we are required to become consciously-aware of the energies that we are attracting with our sub-conscious fears, limiting beliefs and inherited mental programmes.

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