Conscious Capacity

Conscious Capacity is the extent of my knowledge.

I have knowledge of the physical world gained through my five physical senses.

I use my conscious capacity to make rational decisions.

Conscious capacity is my ability to use knowledge logically.

Conscious incapacity is my ability to know what I have no knowledge of. It is knowing what I don’t know.

Unconscious incapacity is having no knowledge of what I have no knowledge of. It is not knowing what I don’t know.

Unconscious capacity is the ability of my super-conscious Mind, which I may or may not be aware of.

My unconscious knowledge is limited to my irrational dreams, until I become awakened to my awareness potential.

Modern education is designed to develop the conscious capacity of the brain in the belief that this is how to develop the mind.

It has no knowledge of the awareness capacity of the mind.

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