
Conscience means against science.

Science is a logical, rational perspective of the world.

What is against science, and opposing the scientific view of the world, is a religious view of the world, which is irrationally attached and inclusive.

Science seeks to prove what is true in an unemotional, insensitive and disconnected way.

Religion seeks to convey what is right.

A religious perspective of what is right, is translated from scripture as what is believed by faith to be morally correct for all Men.

The church, and religion, uphold the standards of human behaviour that are called morals.

What I consider to be morally right becomes my conscience.

My conscience ‘pricks’ me when I do something that I consider to be morally wrong.

What is morally right (moral) or morally wrong (immoral) is the belief of my church with which I have been indoctrinated.

I am a prisoner of my own conscience when it inhibits me from exclusively connecting to my own faith.

My moral standards become the boundaries that define my comfort zone that inhibits the opportunities for my personal spiritual development and growth.

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