Connected & Attached

I am Connected to the Source of my emotional power.

I am Attached to whatever I need emotionally.

I am connected to my Heart at the Core of my Beingness.

The core of my beingness is my True Essence.

My true essence is emotionally powerful when expressed.

When I fail to express the true essence of who I am, I disconnect from my emotional power.

Disconnected from my source of emotional power, I need emotional energy.

I meet my need for emotional energy by attaching myself to whatever feeds my need for emotional energy.

My emotional energy needs become an attachment that I am emotionally attached to.

I attach myself to sentimental objects or best friends because they meet my emotional needs.

At the Soul level, I am connected to everyone & everything.

In physical reality, I live an illusion of spiritual separation.

As my true essence, the Soul, no attachment is necessary.

My Soul is never disconnected from its Self.

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