Conflict Resolution

Peace is never the answer to conflict.

Conflict is never resolved through peace talks.

Peace is not the solution to the problem of war.

When peace is the solution, war is still a problem.

Peace is a cold war or a passive conflict.

Seeking conflict resolution is seeking a peaceful end to war but the conflict always remains with the potential to start a new war.

All through history, the problem of war has never been resolved through peace.

Peace is just a gap between active conflicts.

Conflict always offers the opportunity to see an opposing perspective.

Once I have a clear perspective of an opposing view opinion or belief, I can seek a third way.

A third way is a balanced perspective that is agreeable to both parties.

Being free of conflict requires my Self to be free of the conflicting ideals & ideologies that other people hold.

I do not seek to resolve conflict but to be free of it.

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