Conflict & Confrontation

To Conflict means to be in opposition to.

To Confront means to face up to an issue.

Confrontation & conflict are often seen as the same thing.

Non-confrontation is not facing up to an issue.

Facing up to an issue in a non-confrontational way is an oxymoron.

Confronting an issue in a non-conflicting way is called mediation.

I cannot overcome conflict by avoiding the issue.

Neither can I overcome conflict by confronting an issue in a conflicting way.

When two parties confront an issue with conflicting views beliefs or convictions, they are in conflict.

When two parties confront an issue with openness and a genuine desire for clarity and a common direction, they are keen to moderate their perspective.

Choosing between two opposing choices is judgment not mediation.

Mediation is finding the median, the balance, and the agreement of a mutually acceptable third way.

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