
Confirmation is the transformational period between life happening by me and life happening as me.

It is a confirmation of the ego Self being in alignment with the Soul.

A time of becoming sure of who I really am.

It is when I confirm that there is more to life than is being commonly experienced.

It is confirmation of what I know intuitively to be true, instead of what I think or believe to be my truth.

It is my connection to my inner guidance that confirms my life path for my Self.

It is an expression of the pure emotional states of being that confirm I am a powerful Being.

My life is confirmed by my approval of who I am being, my allowing of what is allowed for my Self & my acceptance of whatever providence is providing.

I confirm that there is a purpose to my life, which is aligned with my personal vision and has true value for my Self.

My life is the confirmation of my expansive spiritual growth.

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