Concept & Innovation

A Concept is conceived by the conscious Intellect with Visualisation. I consciously visualise a physical concept from sub-conscious memory. A concept is derived from intellectual thinking based on sub-conscious memory. I conceptualise with a conscious mental focus, which happens by me, with hindsight & foresight.

An Innovation is initiated intuitively from super-conscious imagination, without prior knowledge or experience. Innovation is inspired and empowered with super-conscious thought. I innovate with a spiritual connection of awareness that flows through me as insight.

Only once innovation has been initiated and experienced, can it become conceptualised as an intellectual concept.

Spiritual reality becomes a viable concept, once intuition is initiated through the imagination. Unless I first imagine the innovation of intuition, I cannot initiate it as a viable concept. Without the imagination to realise spirituality conceptually, I can only conceptualise spiritual reality as imaginary.

With the belief that imagination is not real, I disallow the initiation of intuitive imagery, with the belief that spiritual reality is intellectually not viable.

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