Complimentary, Complementary or Alternative

A Complimentary treatment is one that is favourable or free, or both.

Complementary medicine is a treatment that complements and works with, or without, modern accepted medical practice in an holistic way.

Alternative medicine is a treatment that is employed instead of a modern medically accepted practice.

An alternative treatment is not necessarily either complimentary or complementary, although it may be either, neither, or both.

Whether a treatment is either complimentary, complementary or alternative depends on the perspective of the practitioner, the perspective of the patient, or both.

Complimentary treatments may be prescribed alongside traditional medically prescribed treatments, but this does not necessarily mean that the two treatments complement each other and produce a balanced outcome.

Any treatment that is seen as complimentary and favourable to the patient by a medical practitioner is prescribed as an accepted treatment, not as a complementary additional treatment.

What a medical practitioner sees as an alternative treatment is actually an additional treatment that may be complimentary and favourable but not necessarily complementary and holistic.

A complimentary treatment may be favourable or free without being complementary.

For an alternative treatment to be complimentary it is required to be complementary.

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