Complacent, Complaisant Or Compliant

Being Complacent is allowing life to effortlessly flow through me with serenity & contentment.

However, when I am too complacent, I am adverse to change or growth. My serenity & stillness become inert and my contentment ceases to flow.

Complacency takes inspired action but too much complacency takes no action. When others see me as complacent and positively inactive, they may consider me to be proud, smug or self-satisfied.

Complacency is a pure attribute, which ironically is not a common place for most people to be in.

Complacency is neither assertive nor diffident, neither striving nor slothful, neither diligent nor lazy.

I follow my own authority with complacency. I follow another’s authority when I am being either complaisant or compliant.

Being complaisant is pleasing others. It is being cheerfully obedient & dutiful, deferentially obliging & accommodating, without being subservient, submissive or passively compliant.

Pleasing others is being humble to their arrogant direction, being meek to their wrath, being sub-ordinate to their superiority, being modest to their outstanding pride, being timid to their assertiveness and being happy to be so.

Being complaisant is adopting one’s female energy in contrast to a male dominant authority, which leads and expects you to agree and follow. Greed is the male energy of superior power, which influences others to follow their direction.

Being compliant to another’s mental authority and direction is driven by a belief that one has to because it is compulsory.

Being complaisant to another’s need for emotional power is driven by the belief that one needs to because it is the only way to meet one’s own emotional energy needs.

Being compliant is doing whatever you are told to do by others. I comply to another’s direction and their assertive directives. I believe that I am required to comply with the directions of a superior authority. As a superior authority decrees laws & statutes, I am duty bound, honour bound or morally bound to abide by them with compliance.

Complaisance is driven by an emotional need.

Compliance is driven by a fear or a limiting belief.

Compliance keeps me licit & legal.

Complaisance keeps me friendly & amenable.

Complacency keeps me effortlessly flowing on my own path under my own authority of choice.

With compliance, I am humble to another’s arrogant mental directives.

With complaisance, I am pleasing another’s greedy emotional needs.

With Complacency, I follow the lead of my Soul in the comfort & safety of happy contentment.

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