Communal Worship

When disconnected from my Divine State of Being, worshipping alone is not possible because I am disconnected from that which I choose to worship.

I cannot worship what I cannot connect to. In the absence of being able to connect to my power, I cannot worship because worship is the act of connecting to my power.

The paradox is that it is in the disconnection from my Divine State of Being that I need to worship and connect to my Divine State of Being.

In general, we need other people to meet our emotional needs when we are unable to meet our emotional need for energy and power, our self.

Communal worship is one way that we can use the emotional power of other people to help us individually connect to our own emotional power.

Connecting to other people who are connecting to their divine power, connects me to my divine power, whether I am aware of it or not.

It is the general unawareness of our source of true power and the positive benefits of individual worship that has allowed Religion to exploit communal prayer and communal worship as a benefit for their religion rather than the individual.

Promoting the illusion that God or our Divine State of Being and Omnipotent Power, is without us rather than within us, has disconnected us from the very essence of that which we are seeking to worship.

God is never without me, although I can choose to be without God.

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