Collective Individuality

A Collective Individuality is a collection of Individuals who are sharing a collective reality. The reality of each Individual is that they are sharing their individuality, collectively. The reality of the Collective is that each Individual is uniquely real.

Collective Individuality requires connection, without attachment. Each Individual is Soul Connected and therefore the Collective is connected at the Soul level. No Individual person is emotionally attached to any other Individual within the Collective.

Collective Individuality requires detachment not disconnection. Detachment has no emotional attachment to other people’s dramas. A Soul connection ensures that there is no emotional disconnection, or insensitivity to other people. With no emotional disconnection, there is sensitivity between the Individuals within the Collective. Each Individual is sensitively aware of the emotional state of Being of the Collective.

Sensitive detachment of each Individual ensures there is no insensitive attachment and enables emotional harmony within the Collective.

With an individually exclusive connection to Source, everybody is following their own path, within their own authority, under their own power. Nobody is inclusively attached to, or following, anyone else’s choice of authority.

The power of the Collective is exponentially greater than the sum of the power of each Individual.

With an individually exclusive connection to Source power & authority, and a sensitive detachment with all others in the Collective, everyone is consciously aware of their own emotionally rational, collective perspective.

Collective Individuality means that every Individual is emotionally empathically in tune with everyone else in the Collective. They collectively share their mutual compassion for following their own unique, exclusive & individual path.

The Collective is an expression of each Individual’s gratitude & appreciation for the individually unique reality of the Collective.

Collective Individuality allows each Individual to be separate in togetherness, in an inter-developmental relationship, with everyone in the Collective.

The unity of the gratitude & appreciation of the Collective ensures the continuously harmonious relationships between each and every Individual within the Collective.

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