Coaching Supervision

Coaching Supervision is a metaphor for Advanced Therapist Training & Development.

Coaching supervision is not Coaching, it is supervision. Supervision of Coaches.

It is perceived to be good training for therapists because it uses coaching skills to develop therapists professionally.

Supervision means to ‘over-see’.

It is a process of mentoring and controlling the standards of performance of others.

It is hierarchical in that a supervisor oversees a therapist, a training supervisor oversees the supervisor, a training manager oversees the training supervisor, an accreditation company oversees the training company etc. etc.

In Management, supervision is a management skill. It is a skill of managing, using and controlling others. It belongs to a culture of Directive Management, not Leadership through Coaching.

Coaches are encouraged to have a Coach, therapists are required, for accreditation purposes, to have a supervisor.

Supervision is not within the original ethos of Life Coaching.

Super-Vision, the super-conscious intuitive sense of seeing beyond that which is apparent, is the essence of being a Great Coach.

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