
Closure is the end of a quest.

It is when one door closes and another opens.

It is the fulfilment of an opportunity that allows a new opportunity to appear.

I have closure when:

  • I sever my attachment to a person or an object
  • I no longer need whatever that I believed that I needed
  • I no longer need to follow the path that I have been following
  • I have come to the end of a particular road
  • My belief no longer convicts me of a situation
  • There is no resistance to my progress
  • A new opportunity presents itself approvingly

Closure requires an open mind and an open heart.

It requires the non-attachment of a powerful heart with the detachment of an authorised mind.

Closure occurs when I no longer believe that I need to be living a particular drama in my life.

When my role is accomplished and the final act has been expressed then the curtain will close to the applause of all concerned.

Closure occurs when I am ready, willing and able to move my life on.

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