Client Leadership

Traditional learning involves a student gaining knowledge from a teacher.

The teacher sets out the course and the direction of the teaching.

The teacher leads the student along a path of learning knowledge and acquiring information.

In traditional teaching, the teacher is the leader and requires the student to follow their lead with discipline.

The students are required to be disciples of the teacher.

My personal development and spiritual growth occurs along the path of my Inner Teacher.

An intuitive path of learning is enhanced with the guidance & support of a Life Coach.

A Life Coach guides and supports the client along the client’s chosen path.

It is the client that sets the course and direction of their learning.

Life Coaching is client driven, whereas education is teacher driven.

The Coach supplies the questions, not the answers.

The Coach hears the answers from the client and clarifies them for the client.

The Coach empowers the client to plot their own course and know their own path.

In a coaching partnership, it is the Client who is the Leader, not the Coach.



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