Cleansing my Aura

My Aura is a spiritual entity.

My spiritual entity is a triune reality of physical, mental & emotional energy vibrations.

Cleansing my aura is a three part process.

The authority of my aura is its mental frequency.

My mental frequency is relative to my sub-conscious programmes & beliefs.

Cleansing my mental aura involves challenging & changing all impure thinking that has a negative polarity.

Negative limiting beliefs have an impure frequency because they are divided by polarity, which causes a negative experience called a fear or a toleration.

Cleansing my emotional aura means balancing the yin & yang or male & female aspects of my emotional attributes or states of being.

This connects me to the source of my own emotional power.

As I connect to my mental authority to access my emotional power, I cleanse my physical aura and emanate a purer vibration of energy.

Allowing my physical body to detox naturally is an essential part of the process.

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