
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness”.

But what is Cleanliness?

Cleanliness is Divine.

Being clean is the opposite of being dirty.

Being clean is not Cleanliness when it is in opposition to being dirty.

Pure Cleanliness has no opposing duality.

I always have 3 choices and the 3rd choice is always divine.

I can be not clean enough (dirty), I can be too clean (fastidiously obsessive), or I can be clean enough.

When I am clean enough, I attain Cleanliness.

When I am too clean, I am in opposition to dirtiness.

My personal standards of cleanliness will determine whether I am too clean or too dirty.

True Cleanliness is an attainment not a standard.

Standards require a personal judgment, attainments require acceptance.

True Cleanliness is the Purity of Being and the Purity of Thought that is attained when I connect to my True Power and Authority.

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