Clarity, Direction & Presence

With enough emotional power, I have Clarity.

With enough mental authority, I have Direction.

With enough physical ability, I have Presence.

When my emotional power is low, I lose my clarity and I become confused.

When my mental authority is negative, I lose my direction and I become lost.

When my physical ability is diminished, I lose my presence and I become frustrated.

When I am unclear and confused, I need to get my emotional needs met and raise my emotional power.

When I am undirected and lost, I need to re-align with my authority and change the limiting beliefs that are causing my fears.

When I am not present and frustrated, I need to step out of the drama and overcome the duality of the past and the future in which I am stuck.

When I am not in the Gap of Clear Space, I will lose my power and I will get confused.

When I am not in the Flow of Authority & Direction, I will lose my choice and get lost.

When I am not Present in the Now, I will lose my Ability and become frustrated.

Clarity, Direction and Presence is the key to my Power, Authority & Ability.

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