Choosing to Live

Life is a choice.

Life and death is a duality that we are programmed to accept as our reality.

The question is: “Am I choosing to Live, or am I trying not to die”.

Surviving death, surviving disaster, is not living, it is a survival existence.

Choosing to live is choosing Life.

Life is the product of my Love & my Light.

The more power of Love and authority of Light that is present in my reality, the greater is my ability to live Life well.

Choosing to live is consciously choosing how I choose to live. It is choosing my own reality.

Consciously choosing my own reality is the only way to live my Life. Any other way is not my way, it’s another’s way or another way.

Life becomes a conscious choice when I awaken to the reality that I choose my own reality.

When I know that I choose life and I choose to have choice in my life, then and only then can I start choosing to live.

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