Choosing Acceptance

I always have 3 choices:

1. I can choose to take action.

Choosing to take action is weighing up all the options and deciding which is the best one for myself. Usually the most tolerable.

2. I can choose not to take action.

Choosing not to take action, or not choosing to take action, is weighing up all the options and not being able to decide which one is best for myself. This usually becomes an intolerable situation.

3. I can choose not to choose and respond intuitively and instinctively.

Choosing not to choose is knowing that whatever turns up is the most beneficial choice. This is being Accepting.

Acceptance is the knowing that whatever turns up in my life is for the beneficial development of my Self and for the evolution of my Soul.

Choosing not to choose eliminates the necessity for judgment.

Choosing requires judgment.

Not taking action is an act of non-judgment.

Choosing not to choose is Acceptance of what already is.

Choosing not to choose is neither a state of inaction nor is it a state of planned or pre-determined action.

It is being in the effortless flow of each and every moment and living life to the full.

Choosing Acceptance allows the gift of life to be present, which is most acceptable to my Self.

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