
Charisma is my personal power of Attraction.

My power of attraction is relative to my emotional state of being.

My emotional state of being determines my personal charm.

My personal charm is the aura that I emanate.

The quality of my aura is determined by the intensity of my emotional energy.

The intensity of my emotion is determined by the gender and polarity of my energy.

When the gender of my energy is re-united, I transmit a pure wavelength of attractive energy.

When the polarity of my energy is harmonised, I transmit a pure frequency of magnetic energy.

When my gender is united and my polarity is harmonised, the intensity of my energy is in balance.

Charisma is the influence that I have on other people emotionally and energetically.

Charisma is the beneficial effect that I have on other people spiritually.

Charisma is the gift of grace and favour that I extend to others when I am connected to my Divine Source of Power & Authority.

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