Chaos Theory

Science currently believes that the Universe is chaotic and their job is to bring order and meaning to life. This is a view of people who need order because they are experiencing chaos, which they call entropy. From their world view, they see entropy as the natural way that the universe descends into chaos.

Entropy is a creation of a disordered mind that believes itself to be at the effect of chaos, not the cause of their own chaotic world view. It is a disordered mind that causes the chaos it calls entropy. Entropy is not an external natural scientific system but an internal mental perspective.

In a relative dual reality world, my mind sees chaos as happening to me and believes that order needs to happen by me. When chaos is out of control, I need to put order into my life. In actuality, I am required to put my life back in order.

Life appears to be chaotic and out of control whenever I experience resistance. Resistance is the experience of life appearing not to flow. In the absence of effortless flow, I believe that I need to exert some effort to make it flow. When I see life as inert, I blame inertia for the absence of flow in my life. When I believe that inertia is at work, chaos usually ensues.

Inertia, which is the very source of flow, has in theory become the cause of chaos. Inertia is seen as the resistance to flow when it is actually entropy that is the cause. Without a clear distinction between entropy & inertia, chaos will naturally reign as our dominant experience because it is our dominant nature.

Chaotic thinking sees flow as a physical motion. It believes that physical life flows and inertia is the absence of flow and the absence of life. It believes inert gas has no motion, no reaction and no active purpose in life. It sees entropy as the nature of a chaotic life that flows without order and inertia as the neutral effect of having no flow.

Chaos Theory is based on the false premise that flow is physical and that motion is energised matter, as opposed to inert matter.

In a metaphysical world view, energy flows as thought & emotion. It is the flow of thought & emotion that is the cause of physical experience.

Entropy is the resistance caused by negative thinking, which is opposing the natural flow of pure thought. The nature of pure thought is flow. Pure thought is empowered with flow. The nature of impure thinking is entropy & resistance because it is disempowered. The only power that entropy has is the negative force of its own resistance.

In actuality, we cause our own chaotic experiences with our own impure thinking and we cause our own entropic experiences with our own chaotic belief system.

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