Changing my Vibration

My beliefs are an energy vibration.

The energy of my vibration is relative to the sum total my beliefs.

My belief system determines the vibration of my energy.

When I change a belief, I alter my energy vibration.

When I alter my energy vibration, my atoms spin at a different rate.

When my atoms spin at a different rate, I alter my molecular make-up.

When I alter my molecular make-up, I change my genetic structure.

When I change my genetic structure, my cell environment alters.

When my cell environment alters, my physical condition changes.

My physical condition changes through a process of releasing the past and delivering the present in order to cleanse the future.

Detoxification is a natural process of change and growth.

Detoxifying my long held beliefs has a knock-on effect through every holon of my existence.

Changing my vibration starts with a limiting belief and consequentially changes my physical, mental & emotional reality.

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