
When I see life as a series of problems to be solved, I need and rely on luck to overcome them and find a solution.

In a problematic life, chance and luck are seen as the same thing.

When I see life as a quest or a challenge, I still need luck to fulfil my intentions and life remains chancy as there is always the risk of failure.

In a challenging life, chance and risk are seen as the same thing.

When I see life as an endless flow of infinite opportunities, I am no longer challenged and I no longer need luck and good fortune.

In an opportunistic life chance and opportunity are seen as the same thing.

Every opportunity is a chance to experience life anew. Every chance in life is an opportunity to experience a new life, a new opportunity and a new experience.

When life is embraced as a new opportunity, there is never a chance of failure and never a chance of bad luck and misfortune.

There is only ever the chance of personal spiritual development & growth.

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