Certainty & Perfection

Certainty & Perfection are Soulmates. They are both Absolute Ideals. Having certainty & having perfection are both ideal for me. Being certainly perfect and being perfectly certain is the ideal Ideal. I am absolutely certain that this is absolutely perfect. I intuitively know that I am here to perfect my certainty.

In a dual reality world, with a relative perspective, my life can be less than ideal. It can be uncertain & imperfect. As a world of duality is certainly imperfect and imperfectly uncertain, I need a different way to perceive it.

In absolute reality, my Soul perspective is absolutely certain & absolutely perfect. My Intuition aligns my Self with my Soul perspective. My Intellect aligns with my ego sense of uncertainty & imperfection.

In relative dual reality, my ego perspective uses intellectual reasoning, based on educated intelligence, to perceive life with relative certainty or uncertainty; of it being relatively perfect or imperfect. The best that my intellect ever achieves is a degree of imperfection with a degree of uncertainty. Any degree of certainty or perfection is relative, not absolute.

With no absolute certainty of what perfection is, I always default to the imperfection of my uncertainty. My intellect is never perfect because it is never certain. It is never certain when it is in contrast or conflict with my Intuition.

From the higher perspective of my Intuitive Mind, a degree of perfection and a degree of certainty are both oxymorons. I can never attain a Degree in either Certainty or Perfection within an intellectually intelligent education system.

Unless I intellectually acknowledge the absolute certainty and the absolute perfection of my Intuitive Emotional Intelligence, my intellect will never be perfectly certain and my intelligence will be certainly imperfect. Whilst my intellect remains in conflict with my intuition, I will experience the unreasonable imperfection of being reasonably uncertain with any choices that I make for myself in life.

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