Centred, Balanced & Grounded

Being Centred, Balanced & Grounded allows the vital personal energy of power, authority & ability, to effortlessly flow.

When I am mentally off-centre, my fears and limiting beliefs are the cause. I am leaning towards a negative attitude, which is leading me to an extremely polarised perspective of reality. My judgment of good or bad, right or wrong, positively beneficial or negatively detrimental, takes me our of alignment with my central vision & purpose in life. My centre of mental gravity is the gravitas of my authentic integrity. When I move out of judgment, into a state of unconditional Acceptance, my perspective of my reality becomes mentally centred and in alignment with my core Truth.

When I am emotionally unbalanced, the magnitude or power of my emotional state of being is divided by a contrast in gender. When I prefer to express either a male or a female gender of emotion, I am emotionally out of balance. My yin is out of balance with my yang and my sins are out of balance with my virtues. I come into emotional balance when my yin is equal to my yang, my sins are in equality with my virtues and my male energy is in equanimity with my female energy. When I choose the purity of a divine, natural or prime emotional attribute, my state of being always has my approval. When I move out of my inherent prejudice, I attain a balanced attribute of being Approving.

When I am ungrounded, I have my head in the proverbial clouds; where I am lost, confused and I get very frustrated. Being frustrated disallows the clarity & direction to make my own choices. The reason that I am not physically grounded is because I am either not mentally centred, not emotionally balanced, or both.

Physical ability requires both emotional power and mental authority. When my mental authority aligns with my authentic central core beliefs, I am centred. When my emotional power is a pure, genuine emotional expression, I am balanced.

Allowing my mental authority to flow from my centre, in balance with my emotional power, allows my Self to be grounded and enabled in physical time-space-reality. I ground my Self in physicality for a purpose and that purpose is to fulfil my purpose for being alive.

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