Caring Requires Kindness

When caring is an act of kindness, I am pretending to be kind by taking care of someone’s physical needs. Caring about someone else is a mental exercise that determines what is best for them, from my point of view.

Kindness is being kind, which is an emotional state of being and not an act of doing. Taking care of someone is an action, caring for someone is a kindness.

Kindness is an emotional attainment. I attain kindness when being kind is an emotional state of being that I attribute to my Self with awareness. Being kind is resonating in harmony with someone else’s energy vibration. The more generous the generation of my positive emotional energy, the kinder I am assumed to be.

Kindness is being like someone else on an energetic level. My kindness is like, or akin to their perception of a positive energy vibration.

Kindness is an expression of empathy & compassion towards another conscious Being. Empathy requires an awareness of another’s situation in life. Compassion is the energy required to share another’s situation, in a positive way.

Compassion & sympathy are often confused as they are the same energy perceived from opposing perspectives. Compassion is resonating in a positive way with another, whereas sympathy is an attachment to someone else’s negative state of being.

We are all naturally, positive, energetic Souls who do not flourish when resonating with negative energy; no matter how many others are in sympathy with our condition.

Unkindness is the polar opposite of kindness. Apathy is a mild form of unkindness as it is a statement of not caring. When I do not care, I cannot be bothered because my negative state of being in sympathy is bothering me emotionally.

In my negative perspective of what is occurring, the only way that I can take care of someone’s physical needs is by being unemotionally apathetic, which is akin to, or a kind of, disconnected insensitivity.

True caring is expressed with compassion, which requires a Soul connection that is not akin to personality or character. A true Soul connection transcends any nationality, culture, creed, religion, ethnicity, personality or character. Many human Beings find it easier to make a Soul connection with animals than they do with other human Beings.

As humans, we each have a personal choice of positive or negative emotional attributes, although we are not always aware of who we are choosing to be. I can choose to be caring or uncaring, kind or unkind, sympathetic or unsympathetic in the polarity of my energy vibration. I also have a choice of personality & character, being the effect of the gender of the emotion that I am expressing.

I can choose to relate with my female emotional energy that is either compassionate or sympathetic and I can choose to relate with my male mental energy that is either empathetic or apathetic.

Sometimes my energy is confused by a belief like: You have to be cruel to be kind. Cruelty is an extremely intense expression of unkindness. There is nothing more confusing than stating that one has to be extremely unkind to be kind. When kindness is an expression of kith & kin, I do not have to be kind to care; and trying to care can lead to some very cruel & unkind actions.

Greed & pleasing are opposing genders of the same energy vibration. Greedy people attract other people to please their arrogance. Their arrogance expects others to humble to their superiority. Greedy people have many needs, so they need other people to please them, by meeting their emotional needs.

When greed causes meanness, it opposes generosity and makes it impossible to be kind to people who are not like us. We do not like people who are not like us because we believe that we are not like people who are not like us. If they are not our kith & kin, they are not our kind of people and generosity is not readily forthcoming.

Caring is not a humble profession. Humble people adopt a lower stance to assertive superior arrogance. The belief that carers are humble people is what makes the caring profession a low paid job with poor esteem. When being humble is confused with modest humility, the sense of pride in caring for others is not outstanding and poor patients attract poor carers.

Kindness has humility when it is akin to gentleness. Gentleness is neither hard wrathful male energy nor soft meek female energy but a divine attribute, which allows a beneficial relationship to all others because it allows a natural flow of generosity to be generated between people.

It is with gentleness that I allow my female compassion and my male empathy to flow with kindness & generosity. Caring requires kindness to be gentle, empathic & compassionate; not cruel, sympathetic & assertive.

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