Caring Approves Of Every Situation

Approving is seeing everything in a positive light. When I see everything in a positive light, I am empowered and it allows others to be empowered. Approving of others allows them to also see a positive perspective of their life. Whatever I see in a positive light is a beneficial perspective, which is always empowered. A positive light is an authorised thought that has its own inherently positive emotional power. Authorised thoughts are emotionally empowered. I am emotionally empowered when I am inspired with an authorised thought. An authorised thought is a mental expression of my true authority because it is aligned with my authentic Self.

Approving of every situation is unconditional approval, which means that there is never any disapproval. I show my disapproval, my lack of authentic choice, with my negative perspective of whatever I see occurring. A negative perspective of what is seen to be apparently occurring can be expressed in a cynical, sarcastic or critical way, relative to my current perception. My current perception is how I feel about whatever is happening.

Criticism is based on a personal belief that someone is doing something wrong or they could do something better. We see criticism as being positive when we believe that it is enabling someone to do something better. When improvement is believed to be necessary, I am being less than positive in my perspective, which is criticism. Criticism is always negative, when praise is always positive. I cannot positively praise someone with any form of criticism. Criticism is always disempowering and is therefore never authorised. I can only ever empower someone with praise for their apparently beneficial actions. Praise always feels good and is therefore acceptable. Criticism never feels good, although it is often tolerated. It is never acceptable because it is a statement that someone is not as good as someone believes that they should be.

Sarcasm is a statement of someone being inferior to oneself. It is mocking, humiliating or condemning someone as unworthy of praise & encouragement. It is an often sub-conscious attempt to be superior to another through contempt for their actions.

Cynicism is a statement of one’s own negative perspective of reality. It is perceiving reality to be a negative experience and projecting that belief onto another person. A cynic is one who believes the worst of other people and therefore experiences the worst in other people because of what they believe to be true about life.

A critic tells a dementia patient what they are doing wrong, thinking it will help them to do it right.

A cynical carer tells a dementia patient all the things that can go wrong due to the nature of their disability.

A sarcastic carer reminds the patient how stupid they are and how important it is to have an intelligent and capable carer.

When a carer approves of every situation, they never criticise, condemn or complain. When there is no disapproval, there is no criticism, there is no sarcasm, there is no cynicism, there is no contempt, there is no judgment so there is no condemnation or complaint.

Being approving is a quality personal attribute that is attained by never being disapproving. I approve of someone when I confidently see the value of their personal worth & esteem. In our modern culture, we tend to judge people for what they do, rather than who they really are.

Dementia inhibits the ability to act normally but has no apparently detrimental effect on the ability to naturally be the essence of who we really are. I may criticise, condemn or complain about another’s personality or character but I am never critical, cynical or sarcastic about the essence of their true identity. When I express the essence of my true nature as a carer, there is never anything to criticise, condemn or complain about. When I care about expressing my true nature as a carer, the patient is never critical, sarcastic or cynical as they approve of the care that they are receiving.

Criticism, sarcasm, cynicism, condemnation, complaint & contempt are all expressions of disapproval that inhibit the ability to be truly caring. No patient will ever care for my disapproval of them as I will never care for their disapproval of me. Approving of every situation as a carer, proves that I do truly care because true care has no disapproval.

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