
Caring is the act of protecting someone or something.

The need to care for and the need to be protected are the same energy experienced from opposing perspectives.

All victims need to be cared for and protected from the source of their victim-hood.

Overcoming victim-hood overcomes the need to be protected and the need to care for others.

Consciously meeting my emotional needs myself is the gateway to overcoming victimhood.

Only heroes need to care for others.

It is the need to protect another and save them from their victimhood that creates a hero.

Without victimhood, heroism is redundant.

Only the unable need to be taken care of.

Taking care of someone’s physical or emotional needs always disempowers them when our purpose is to meet our own need to look after and protect them.

Caring is the default mode in a world that is disconnected from its True Power of Love.

Connected to my True Source of Power, I do not have a care in the world.

A care-free life is empowered by Love.


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