Careless & Care Less

Careless is a state of not being present.

When I am not focused on what I am presently doing, I am being careless.

I am taught to be careful to avoid accidents by people who believe that being careless causes accidents.

Care Less is a state of being aware of caring less.

I either care about my problems or I care about taking care of other people’s problems.

By having fewer problems, I have less to care about and I care less.

Only when I become problem-free can I become care-free.

I don’t need to care about opportunities, I just take them.

Opportunities take care of themselves.

Opportunities are never a problem and they never cause accidents.

When I care less about my problems, I care more for my opportunities.

When I focus on being care less, being careless never arises.

Being careless is never an accident.

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