Careers & Professions

My Career is my journey through my working life.

When I career through life, life works.

My Profession is the type of work that I profess to do.

I have a life of work that is my career.

It may be in just one profession or it may involve my participation in many different professions.

During my career, I profess to having been a Hotelier, an Innkeeper, a Leisure Development Manager, a Consultant and a Life Coach.

My Soul is concerned with my career, not my profession.

The purpose of my working career is to give my Self the opportunity for Self Development.

This was the case and is the case both before and after I awakened to my spiritual path in life.

Who I profess to be professionally is of no apparent concern to my Soul.

Who I am actually being as I career through my working life is the sole concern of my Soul.

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