Busy Being Idle

Busy & idle are a duality.

My limiting belief says that if I’m not busy I must be idle.

I am only idle from someone else’s perspective.

I am idle when I am not doing what someone else wants me to do.

I am only busy from my own false assumptions.

When I am busy, I am really ‘too busy’ to do something else as well.

When I am busy I am never present.

When I am present, I am never idle.

When I am present, I am engaged with life.

I am engaged with my Soul, when I am present.

When I am engaged, I am neither busy nor idle.

When I am in communication with my Soul, I am engaged, not busy, though some may presume that I am idle.

Being engaged with my Soul, requires a clear connection and the presence to be neither busy nor idle.

When I am busy, my Soul can’t get through.

When I am idle, I am vacant and not engaged with my life.

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