Business Coaching

Business coaching is the process of coaching employees in a business to achieve the goals of the business.

The goal of  a business is to make money for its shareholders.

Everyone from the CEO downwards is an employee of the business.

Leadership of employees through Coaching is becoming more accepted and preferable to Directive Management as a means of motivating employees to perform profitably.

Directive management tells employees what tasks are required and what standard the tasks are required to be performed to. They work to Standard Operating Procedures.

Leadership coaching builds teams of people who co-operate on the achievement of the company’s agreed goals. They work to agreed Standards Of Performance.

Directive management requires managers to motivate and supervise.

Leadership coaching empowers the employee by meeting their emotional need to succeed.

Business coaching clarifies the vision, mission and purpose of the Business but is singularly uninterested in the vision, mission and purpose of the individuals within that business.

Clarifying the vision, mission and purpose of an Individual in a business is called Life Coaching.

2 Replies to “Business Coaching”

  1. I agree.
    An ‘if’ is an expectation of the future and a ‘but’ is a negative judgment of the past. Both will take me out of the reality of the present moment.

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