
Bullying is the action of the Intimidator.

The Intimidator or bully competes to win or steal emotional energy from other people through what is seen to be either mental or physical abuse.

The victim of a bully is a Poor Me.

A Poor Me cannot claim the sympathy that they need unless they attract an intimidator to bully them.

A victim of bullying is a victim of their own control drama, as is the bully themselves.

Victim and Villain are opposing perspectives of the same energy vibration.

Both the bully and their victim are suffering from their own depleted emotional energy levels.

Emotional energy is what determines whether a relationship is functional or dysfunctional.

The Law of Attraction states that “Like Energy is drawn unto Itself”.

The ‘Intimidator’ and the ‘Poor me’ are both victims of the same negative energy vibration and control drama and will therefore attract each other.

I cannot bully someone who is prepared and able to share their positive emotional energy with me.

I cannot be bullied by someone whose emotional energy is lower than mine.

Bullies are greedy for emotional energy. Their victims please that greed by being humble.

Being humble is taking a lower stance than someone else. It is believing that we are of less value and that other people are in some way superior to our self. It is believing that were we to compete with them we would lose.

It is impossible to bully someone who knows that they are your equal.

It is impossible to bully someone who knows their own Self-worth.

It is impossible to bully someone who doesn’t need to compete.

It is impossible to bully someone who has given up ‘victimhood’.

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