Boredom, Ennui & Frustration

Boredom is my lack of vision and focused intention that deprives me of my self-confidence.

Without confidence and authority, and in the absence of making my own choices, I become bored.

I become bored under other people’s authority that is not aligned with my own path.

I will have to tolerate boredom until it becomes intolerable.

Ennui is my lack of purpose and self-worth.

Without my emotional power and a sense of worth, I will suffer the melancholy, listlessness and depression of ennui.

With ennui, I will need motivation and drive.

Ennui will annoy me until it eventually makes me very angry.

Frustration is my lack of ability to do what I want to do and to achieve what I want to achieve.

Without sufficient ability, I will get frustrated.

I will get frustrated having to depend on other people to do things for me.

When my boredom and lack of authority incapacitates me, it will become intolerable.

When my ennui and lack of power angers me, it will show my incompetence.

Together, Boredom and Ennui will disable me, make me very frustrated and deplete my self-esteem.

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