
Blushing is a sign of embarrassment.

It is the inability to process my emotional power effectively.

My emotional power is relative to my state of being.

When my state of being is out of alignment with who I really am, my power encounters resistance, which causes heat and flushing.

This emotional resistance can manifest in the physical as blushing and cause embarrassment.

Embarrassment is a self-worth issue.

I am embarrassed by the perceived value of my worth when I am not being my true Self.

Being shy of situations is an authority issue that affects my self-confidence.

My disconnection from my authority disconnects me from my emotional power.

Shyness and blushing occur when both confidence and worth are very low.

The antidote to shyness and embarrassment, which avoids blushing, is a smile.

It is impossible for me to smile and not connect to my power and my authority.

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