Bliss Or Joy

Bliss is the essential nature of the Soul. The Soul exists in an eternal state of Bliss.

Bliss is not an attainment but the natural state of the Soul. The essence of the Soul is Bliss.

I come from a state of Bliss into physical reality and I leave physical reality and return to a state of Bliss.

I come into physical reality to experience Joy. Joy is the physical experience of pure emotion. Joy is the bliss of physical experience and the experience of my spiritual emotional power in physical reality.

Joy really is a very powerful emotion.

Bliss is an absolute state of spirituality that is beyond power, emotion and reality.

Joy is an emotional state of being relative to physical contentment and mental fulfilment.

Joy is the emotional feeling of being Happy with the reality that is being physically experienced. It is the physical feeling of Soulful Bliss.

As a spiritual Being enjoying a physical experience, I feel the happiness of pure Joy.

As a spiritual Entity being Spiritual, I experience my Blissful nature. The nature of Bliss is essential Spirit that essentially allows three different choices:

  • I can choose to be a spiritual entity having a spiritual experience in physical reality, called Absolute Bliss
  • I can choose to be a spiritual Being having a physical experience in physical reality, called Pure Happiness
  • I can choose to be a physical Human Being having a relative experience of physical reality, called pain or pleasure

Happiness is the spiritual attainment of physical contentment, mental fulfilment and emotional joy.

The experience of Bliss allows no physical contentment and no mental fulfilment because there is no reason, meaning nor purpose to experience spiritual bliss in physical reality.

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