
Spiritual Bliss is Pure Feeling.

Emotional Bliss is the feeling of Joy.

Feeling the emotion of pure joy is bliss, but it is not Spiritual Bliss.

Pure Feeling is more than just joy or the feeling of bliss.

Pure Feeling is True Happiness. It is the natural state of our Spirit.

When the spirit of Pure Feeling resonates with True Happiness, everything is Bliss.

In the Physical Realm, bliss is the attainment of True Happiness.

In this physical realm, I am a triality of physical, mental and emotional energy.

The attainment of true happiness requires all three aspects of my Self to resonate in harmony:

  • My physical self resonates with contentment
  • My emotional self resonates with joy
  • My mental self resonates with fulfilment

The joy of Bliss without contentment & fulfilment may be a pleasurable experience but it is not an expression of True Happiness.

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