Blind Faith

Blind Faith is an oxymoron. Faith is never blind.

Trust is blind. Without faith, I am blind and I will need to trust.

When I cannot see what is occurring, I need trust.

When I can see what is occurring, I do not need trust because I can see what is occurring.

When I have faith, I know who I am and why I am here.

I know my vision, mission and purpose in life.

I know that whatever turns up is an opportunity for my growth and development.

I do not need to trust in others blindly because my path does not depend on any others, only me.

When I know my Self, I do not need to trust my Self, because I have faith in my Self.

When I have faith in my Self, my Soul has faith in me.

When I can see the big picture of my life, I am no longer blind to my vision for life and I have total faith in my Soul’s ability to deliver it.

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