
Blame is what I do when I am not responsible for my own experience of life.

It is what I apportion to whomever I believe to be creating the reality that I do not want.

Blame is the result of my judgement that someone has done wrong to myself or others.

I make my Self a victim of whomever I blame.

Whomever is to blame has created a situation of which I have become a victim.

When I overcome blame, I overcome victimhood.

Blaming myself makes me a victim of my own actions.

To overcome blame I am required to neither blame others nor myself and see that there is no guilt.

When I see that no-one is guilty and no-one is to blame, I move to unconditional acceptance of what is.

Unconditional Acceptance is True Forgiveness.

When I know that everything that occurs in my life is ultimately beneficial for my own personal development and growth, I attain unconditional forgiveness with the True Acceptance of Life.

When I accept everything in my life as a gift, there can be no blame.



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