
Bigotry is the intolerance of someone else’s beliefs. A bigot is so convicted by their own version of the truth that they find any beliefs to the contrary to be unacceptable.

A bigot is unable to accept or even tolerate someone whose beliefs are in opposition to their own. The more zealous that someone is in their system of belief, the more bigoted they become.

Religious intolerance is a common form of bigotry. Both religious dogmatists and non-religious atheists are often convicted by their own bigotry.

The inability to accept another person’s perspective of the truth is based on an unshakeable belief that there is only one true reality and the desperate need for that one true reality to be in alignment with one’s own system of belief.

Bigots need to be right and go to great lengths to prove other people wrong, in order to prove the validity of their own beliefs.

Bigotry is caused by the mental reasoning of a flawed intellect. When reality is relative to the perspective of the Individual, right & wrong is just a judgment that is relative to that individual’s set of beliefs. Nothing is inherently right or wrong, it is just a personal perspective of what is deemed to be beneficial or detrimental to oneself.

When I am intolerant of someone else’s beliefs, I will also be intolerant of someone else’s behaviour because behaviour always follows beliefs. My personal standards of behaviour always align with my personal belief system.

When someone behaves in an unexpected or unacceptable way, it is because their belief about the reality of that moment in time is different to mine. To overcome bigotry, I am required to be accepting of the fact that other people behave in alignment with their beliefs, which form the basis of their perspective of how they experience their reality; and so do I.

When I attract a bigot into my reality, it is to show my Self the intolerance that I am experiencing to someone else’s beliefs, opinions & convictions, which they deem to be true.

When I allow all others to create & perceive their own perspective of reality, based on their own version of what is true, they allow me to do the same. This is the Law and the Golden Rule.

Attempting to manipulate other people or coerce them into believing that only what I believe is true, makes me a bigot.

The absolute truth of reality is by god not bi got. By God, I will learn the absolute truth about reality. By Man, I will experience a relative truth held uniquely by each individual person.

Bigotry is the path of enforcing my truth onto other people. In truth, we are all convicted by our own truths & untruths.

A bigot may implicitly trust their own beliefs yet have absolutely no faith in their own life path.

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